Objective To investigate the clinical effect of fine ureteroscope combined with fascia dilator in the treatment of urethral stricture after hypospadias operation. Methods A retrospective analysis of 14 cases of urethral stricture in children with hypospadias surgery, the use of F5 / 7.6 ureteroscope under direct vision of the urethra into the bladder through the narrow urethra, under its guidance select the appropriate fascia dilator sequentially increased Expand the urethra, followed by indwelling catheter, and regular follow-up. Results All the 14 patients completed urethral dilatation. The ureter was unobstructed after removing the catheter, the thick urine and the maximal uroflow rate were significantly increased. No complications such as fistula formation, urinary fistula or incontinence were found. Conclusions Fine ureteroscopy combined with fascia dilator for the treatment of urethral stricture urethral stricture with traumatic small, high safety, efficacy, reproducibility, etc., it is worth promoting.