知音难遇 慷慨悲歌——陈子昂《登幽州台歌》赏析

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前不见古人,后不见来者。念天地之悠悠,独怆然而涕下。武后万岁通天元年(696),武则天命建安王武攸宜率兵征讨契丹,陈子昂随军参谋,到了东北边境。武攸宜是个既无胆略又刚愎自用的纨子弟,由于用兵失措,贻误战机,打了败仗。陈子昂一再献策,不但未被采纳,反遭贬斥。悲愤之际,他登? The ancients were not seen before and they were not seen later. The longing for the heavens and the earth, but left alone. In the year of the first year of Wuhou Wan Tian Tongtian (696), Wu Zetian ordered Jianan Wang Wuyi to lead the troops to fight for Khitan and Chen Ziang went to the northeastern border with his staff. Wu Yiyi was a blind brother who was neither bold nor self-employed. He was defeated because of the use of soldiers and he was defeated. Chen Ziang repeatedly offered advice, not only has not been adopted, but has been deprecated. In the midst of grief and anger, he boarded?
2004年夏末秋初,一次与当事人偶然的邂逅,使我介入一场震惊辽宁的非法集资大案:犯罪分子用了不到半年的时间敛财近7000万元,受害者涉及几百个家庭近千人……      2004年9月2日,家住沈阳市棋盘山的崔女士打来电话称:她被人以投资的方式诈骗了,要记者前往采访。我立即乘车前往她电话里指定的地点,会面后,崔女士请记者先不要暴露身份和她一起去见骗子。由崔女士领路,记者来到位于皇姑区北陵公园东门附近