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唐代墓志是文史研究者长期以来极为重视的重要文献。周绍良先生主编的《唐代墓志汇编》,收录了唐代墓志四千多方,并加以整理标点,一九九二年十一月由上海古籍出版社出版。这是一项造福子孙后代的宏伟事业。《汇编》在张钫《千唐志斋藏志》、李根源《曲石精庐藏唐墓志》、罗振玉《芒洛冢墓遗文》等著录的基础上,根据自己多年收集的墓志拓片加以补充修订,并补入了建国以后公开发表的新出土墓志以及各地博物馆、图书馆的藏品,尽可能完整地收录了目前所能见到的全部墓志,堪称唐代墓志的集大成之作。《汇编》体例大致是按照志主落葬日期先后为序进行排列,以年号为界各自编号,书后又编姓名索引,颇便查检,是唐代文史研究者必备之书。笔者在研究唐代文学 The epitaphs of the Tang Dynasty are the important documents that the literature and history researchers have attached great importance for a long time. The compilation of epitaphs of the Tang Dynasty, compiled by Mr. Zhou Shaoliang, contains over 4,000 parties of the epitaphs of the Tang Dynasty and was punctuated by punctuation. It was published by Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House in November 1992. This is a magnificent undertaking for the benefit of future generations. The compilation is supplemented and revised according to his collection of epitaphs for many years on the basis of the records of Zhang Qian’s Thousand Tang Zhizhai Tibetan Records, Li Genyuan’s Qu Shi Jing Fine House Tibetan Tomb Epics, and Luo Zhenyu’s Manuka Graves Tomb Relics Completed into the newly published after the founding of the new unearthed epitaphs and museums, libraries around the collection, as complete as possible contains all currently available to read the epitaphs, called the epitaph of the Tang Dynasty masterpiece. The compilation method is roughly arranged according to the burial date of the burial moguls in sequence, with their numismatic numbers as their own boundaries, the index of the names of the books compiled later, and the check of their names. It is an indispensable book for the researchers of the history of literature and history in the Tang Dynasty. The author is studying Tang literature
学校管理是一门科学,也是一门艺术。新形势下的学校管理和德育工作只有不断创新,充分调动教职员工、家长、学生的内在潜力,才能取得事半功倍之效。福特公司创始人亨利·福特说:不创新,就灭亡。合作共赢正是学校创新管理、永保德育活力的举措。    任务驱动——在实现共同的愿景中合作共赢  〔案例〕我们的班会课    2007、2008年连续两年,海沧区和厦门市层层举行主题班会创新大赛,延奎小学几乎囊括了全部奖
前言  以幸存者的名义    这一年来,每一个活着的人,都会发出这样的感叹:时间过得真快。  是的,一周年了。  一年前的那个五月,大地惊天动地的一次战栗,在短短的分秒之间,顿觉生与死的距离不过真的只是一步之隔。    在那一刻,无数的生灵在突如其来的灾难面前奔走呼号;无数无助的善良的人们从此阴阳两隔;无数天真灿烂的笑脸在刹那间逝尽芳华。  泪水,凝固在我们的脸上。  悲恸,压弯了我们的脊梁。  
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