There are many types of asbestos cement fittings, but in general, they can be divided into two categories: sleeve joints and flanges and sleeve joints. The main ones in these two categories are briefly introduced later. (1) Jacketed joints (1) Simple joints (double flanged joints). It consists of an asbestos cement casing and a pair of round rubber rings (figure L_a). Each of the two ends of the sleeve has a flange, one of which has a larger inner diameter called a working flange and the other has a smaller inner diameter. Using a special installation tool, the rubber ring is sealed by the working flange sleeved into the inner wall of the sleeve to compress the rubber ring. The test water pressure is generally up to 20 bar. The advantage of this joint is that the structure is simple and the construction is convenient. Disadvantages are: strict requirements on the processing of the pipe end and the casing, the error can not be too large, otherwise, the casing is easy to burst when installed, or the rubber ring can not fully crush and reduce the tightness of the joint. The pipe end is required to be dry, otherwise the position of the rubber ring during installation is not easy to be correct. As the inside of the casing