续志如何编修,是方志界同仁普遍关注的一个热点问题。回顾总结一下首届修志的成绩与不足,对续修志书大有裨益。笔者就续志中关于地方文化的记述谈一点粗浅的看法。 一、不可忽略地方文化的潜在作用 首届修志大多侧重经济建设的记述,地方文化无非就是集中在《文化》、《社会》等编中,其他编(卷)绝少有反映地方文化的。在记述地方文化时,过分强调“横不缺项”,重视面面俱到,忽略了地方文化的地域个性;另外在记述上也缺乏深度,缺乏有血有肉的资料。诚如安徽总结的:首届修志过多地在“瓶子”的式样(志书体例结构)上做文章,缺少
Continued Zhi how to compile, is a common concern of all my colleagues in the field of a hot issue. Recalling the achievements and deficiencies of the first revision of the Chi review, great help renewal of the book. The author continued on the description of local culture about a little superficial view. First, we can not ignore the potential role of local culture The first Chi Chi mostly focused on economic construction, local culture is nothing more than concentrated in the “culture”, “social” and other series, the other series (volumes) rarely reflect the local culture. In describing the local culture, we place too much emphasis on “horizontal defects”, attach importance to everything, neglect the local culture’s regional personality, and lack the depth and lack of flesh-and-blood information in the description. As the Anhui concludes: The first revision of Chi overflanked the “bottle” style