让政务服务更高效 让群众办事更方便

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自党的群众路线教育实践活动开展以来,宁夏回族自治区政务服务中心党总支(以下简称“政务中心”)深入贯彻落实自治区党委、政府的决策部署,按照“为民务实清廉”的要求,着力抓好党的基层组织工作,为群众、企业和基层提供高效优质的服务。经过卓有成效的探索以及实践,政务中心实现了“以党建促效能,以组织促发展”的工作目的,其“三化”+“监督”(体系化、标准化、信息化和监督考核)的政务服务“宁夏模式”得到国家监察部的肯定,“制度建设、体系建设、规范建设、主动 Since the launching of the party’s mass line education practice, the party branch of the Administrative Service Center of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (hereinafter referred to as the ”government affairs center“) has thoroughly implemented the policy-making and deployment of the party committees and governments in the autonomous region, , We must focus our efforts on the work of the grassroots organizations of the party and provide efficient, high-quality services to the masses, enterprises and grassroots units. After fruitful exploration and practice, the government affairs center has achieved its goal of ”promoting the party’s effectiveness and organizing and promoting development“. Its ”three levels“ and ”supervision“ (systematization, standardization, informatization and Supervision and assessment) of the government services ”Ningxia model “ by the State Ministry of Supervision affirmed, ”system construction, system construction, standardize construction, take the initiative
德国工业4.0被称为"第四次工业革命",其本质是基于信息物理系统(Cyber Physical System,CPS)实现智能生产。工业4.0时代,随着CPS、物联网、大数据等技术的广泛应用,将给未来银行