Stratigraphy and otolith microchemistry of the naked carp Gymnocypris przewalskii(Kessler) and their

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Otoliths are biogenic carbonate minerals in the inner ear of teleost fish, whose compositions can record the physical and chemical conditions of the ambient water environment inhabited by individual fish. In this research, the fishbones and otoliths of naked carp sampled near the Bird Island, offshore Lake Qinghai, were dated and analyzed for mineralogy and microchemical compositions. Comparing the microchemical compositions of ancient otoliths with those of modern otoliths, we conclude that the ancient naked carps inhabited a relict lake formed when the lake shrank from a high lake level, by combining with the AMS-14 C ages of fishbones and otoliths, the stratigraphy and surrounding topography of the sample site. AMS-14 C dating results of ancient fishbones and otoliths show that these naked carps lived from 680 to 300 years ago, i.e. during the Ming Dynasty of China. The X-ray diffraction(XRD) patterns demonstrate that the ancient lapillus is composed of pure aragonite, identical to modern one, indicating that the mineral of lapillus didn’t change after a long time burial and that the ancient lapillus is suitable for comparative analysis thereafter. Microchemical results show that both ratios of Mg/Ca((70.12±18.50)×10?5) and ? 18O((1.76±1.03)‰) of ancient lapilli are significantly higher than those of modern lapilli(average Mg/Ca=(3.11±0.41)× 10?5 and ? 18O=(?4.82±0.96)‰). This reflects that the relict water body in which the ancient naked carp lived during the Ming Dynasty was characterized by higher Mg/Ca and ? 18 O ratios than modern Lake Qinghai, resulting from strong evaporation after being isolated from the main lake, similar to today’s Lake Gahai. Based upon the stratigraphy and altitude of naked carp remains, it can be inferred that the altitude of lake level of Lake Qinghai reached at least 3202 m with a lake area of 4480 km2 during the Ming Dynasty, approximately ~5% larger than it is today. Otoliths are biogenic carbonate minerals in the inner ear of teleost fish, whose compositions can record the physical and chemical conditions of the ambient water environment inhabited by individual fish. In this research, the fishbones and otoliths of naked carp sampled near the Bird Island, offshore Lake Qinghai, were dated and analyzed for mineralogy and microchemical compositions. Comparing the microchemical compositions of ancient otoliths with those of modern otoliths, we conclude that the ancient naked carps inhabited a relict lake formed when the lake shrank from a high lake level, by combining with the AMS-14 C ages of fishbones and otoliths, the stratigraphy and surrounding topography of the sample site. AMS-14 C dating results of ancient fishbones and otoliths show that these naked carps lived from 680 to 300 years ago, ie during the Ming Dynasty of China. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns demonstrate that the ancient lapillus is composed of pure aragonite, identical to modern one, indicating that the mineral of lapillus did not change after a long time burial and that the ancient lapillus is suitable for comparative analysis thereafter. Microchemical results show that both ratios of Mg / Ca ((70.12 ± 18.50) × 10? 5 ) were significantly higher than those of modern lapilli (average Mg / Ca = (3.11 ± 0.41) × 10? 5 and? 18O = (? 4.82 ± 0.96) ‰) This reflects that the relict water body in which the ancient naked carp lived during the Ming Dynasty was characterized by higher Mg / Ca and? 18 O ratios than modern Lake Qinghai, resulting from strong evaporation after being isolated from the main lake, similar to today’s Lake Gahai. Based upon the stratigraphy and altitude of naked carp remains, it can be inferred that the altitude of lake level of Lake Qinghai reached at least 3202 m with a lake area of ​​4480 km2 during the Ming Dynasty, approximately ~ 5% larger than it is today.
一、实验背景  中学教师致力实验教学的改进,尤其是安全性、节约性、直观性方面的研究,对于新课程理念的落实有很大帮助。  一般情况下,化学实验需要玻璃仪器,连带铁架台等夹持装置,使得整套实验装置携带不便。选用医用葡萄糖注射液的包装袋作为主要反应容器来代替玻璃仪器,再借助辅助器材如橡皮塞、输液管等,可用于有气体参与的实验。下面介绍医用注射袋和注射器在中学化学实验改进中的几个妙用。  医用葡萄糖液包装用
摘 要:随着计算机技术的快速发展,在提高学生素质教育的大前提下,计算机教育纳入了中小学必修课程的范畴。为了加快计算机教育改革步伐,提高学生的计算机知识水平和实践动手能力,在多年的教学实践中,按照面向21世纪人才培养的要求,结合本校的实际情况,不断探索有效的教学方法,进行科学合理的教学改革,实施教学内容、教学方法、教学手段的一系列改革措施,形成“课堂教学‘五个要素、四个方法,实践教学三个层次’”的教
鉴别A、B两种未知溶液可选用不同的试剂,若A逐滴加入B中与B逐滴加入A中的现象不同,便可不用其他试剂进行鉴别。下面举例说明:  1.Na2CO3溶液和盐酸  操作:任取一种未知溶液逐滴加入另一种未知溶液中。  现象及分析:若立即有气泡放出,则滴加试剂为Na2CO3溶液。  反应方程为:Na2CO3+2HCl=2NaCl+CO2↑+H2O  若开始并无气泡放出,滴入一定量后,才有气泡放出,则滴加试剂