威廉姆·威尔斯·纽厄尔(William Wells Newell)是美国民俗学会(AFS)主要发起人、首任秘书与《美国民俗学杂志》(JAF)首位主编。梳理他在任12年间发表在该刊的文章及其生平史料,再现了他如何借助学会、会刊等平台,将美国早期民俗搜集推向科学、专业及民族认同建构之路。他的所作所为尽管难免瑕疵,却也凸显了学术平台之于把握民俗学脉络、衡量学者学术贡献的意义。
William Wells Newell is the lead promoter and first secretary of the American Folklore Society (AFS) and the first chief editor of the Journal of the American Folklore (JAF). Combing the articles he published in the magazine during his 12 years in office as well as the material of his life and reappearing how he used the platforms of academia and journal to push the early collection of American folk to the construction of science, profession and national identity. Although his actions are inevitably flawed, it also highlights the significance of the academic platform in grasping the ethnography of folklore and measuring the academic contribution of scholars.