限字表达题,是考查学生对语言文字的理解和概括能力,要求学生在理解材料内容的基础上,能准确提取主要信息,并进行全面、简洁、顺畅的表达。一、抓住要点,准确概括例1试用一句话说明京剧是怎样形成的(连标点在内不超过30个书写格) 京剧的前身是安徽的徽剧。清乾隆五十五年起,原在南方演出的三庆、四喜、春台、和春
The limited-word expression problem is to examine the students’ ability to understand and summarize language and characters. Students are required to understand the content of the material and can accurately extract the main information and perform a comprehensive, concise, and smooth expression. First, seize the key points, and accurately summarize the case 1 Try one sentence to explain how the Beijing Opera was formed (with no more than 30 punctuation points including punctuation). The predecessor of Peking Opera was the Anhui Huizhou Opera. From the 55th year of the Qing Emperor Qianlong, Sanqing, Sixi, Chuntai, and Chun