Twenty-five years ago, Rick Hansen, a Canadian national hero and world-renowned disabled athlete, steered the wheelchair onto the Great Wall to become the famous “Iron Man”. Today, 25 years later, he returned to China again, conquering the Great Wall again with the participation and witness of 500 young people. Twenty-five years ago, Rick Hansen hand-held wheelchairs traveled 40,000 miles in 34 countries, completing his 26-month career and gaining world awareness of the potential of people with disabilities. Just 25 years later, on the very same day that Rick boarded the Great Wall - on April 12, a relay mainly comprised of teens to inspire and motivate young people to become involved in a healthier, more sustainable and inclusive world Activities kicked off. The four outstanding youth delegates, elected from 55 countries, not only have excellent leadership skills but also inspire and intimidate their fellow partners in chasing their dreams and continuing to create extraordinary things.