二十年前发表的《实践是检验真理的唯一标准》一文,引起了关于真理标准问题的大讨论,吹响了思想解放的号角,为具有划时代意义的党的十一届三中全会的召开作了舆论准备。随着时间的推移,这篇文章越加显现出其真理的光辉。 这篇文章多年被选为高中、中师语文教材,笔者也多次讲授过这篇课文。文中有这样一段话: 作为检验真理的标准,必须具有把人的思 想和客观世界联系起来的特性,否则就无法检 验。人的社会实践是改造客观世界的活动,是主 观见之于客观的东西。实践具有把思想和客观 实际联系起来的特性。因此,正是实践,也只有
The article “Practice is the Only Standard for Testing Truth” published twenty years ago has aroused a grand discussion on the criterion of truth and sounded the horn of ideological liberation and convened the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee with an epoch-making significance Prepared for public opinion. As time goes by, this article more and more shows the glorious truth. This article for many years was selected as high school, Chinese language teaching materials, the author also repeatedly taught this text. There is a passage in the text: As a standard for testing truth, it must have the characteristic of linking people’s thoughts with the objective world. Otherwise, it can not be tested. Human social practice is the activity of reforming the objective world, which is the objective thing seen by the subjective. Practice has the characteristic of associating ideas with objective reality. Therefore, it is practice and only