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我国有着丰富的文化典籍,这是中华民族优秀文化的一部分。为了充分利用历代累积和遗留下来的文化典籍,我国自古以来形成了编纂工具书的传统。据班固《汉书·艺文志》著录,周宣王时就编有《史籀篇》十五篇,这是当时史官教学童识字之用的。此后.工具书的编纂就从未间断过,内容丰富,源远流长,而且愈编名目愈多,字书、韵书、类书、政书、书目、舆图、表谱相继产生。至近现代,随着中西文化交流的日渐频繁,我国出版界,一方面继承历来编纂工具书的传统;另一方面受到外国编纂工具书的影响,又陆续编纂出版了诸如包括字典、词典的辞书、百科全书、年鉴、手册、历表、年表、索引、地图,图录以及名录等工具书。中国共产党十一届三中全会以后,由于改革开放的需要,随着政治、经济、文化、教育的发展,工具书的品种与数量,以前所未有的速度,迅猛增加,工具书类型更趋完备,出现了工具书空前繁荣的景象。 Our country has a wealth of cultural classics, which is part of the excellent Chinese culture. In order to make full use of cultural books that have been accumulated in ancient times and left over, our country has, since ancient times, developed a tradition of compiling reference books. According to class solid “Han Yi Wen Zhi” record, Zhou Xuan Wang Shi was compiled “Shi Jie chapter” fifteen, which is the official historian teaching children’s literacy purposes. Since then, the compilation of reference books has never stopped, the content is rich and has a long history, and the more the more works, the book, rhyme books, class books, government books, bibliographies, maps, tables have been produced. In the modern era, with the increasing frequency of cultural exchanges between China and the West, the publishing industry in our country, on the one hand, has inherited the tradition of compiling reference books. On the other hand, it has been influenced by foreign compilation tools and successively compiled and published dictionaries such as dictionaries and dictionaries, Encyclopedia, yearbook, manual, calendar, chronology, index, maps, catalogs and directories and other reference books. After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), due to the need of reform and opening up, with the development of politics, economy, culture and education, the variety and quantity of reference books rapidly increased with the types of reference books becoming more complete, There has been an unprecedented boom in reference books.
Nuclear factor NF-KB is believed to play an important role in regulating the production of matrix met-alloproteinases (MMPs), which induce atherosclerosis, res