展示最新科技 引领智能制造第十七届工博会走笔

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今年是《中国制造2025》国家战略实施元年,“智能制造”成为中国制造2025落地的关键。作为制造业领域的盛事和风向标,11月3日-7日在国家会展中心(上海)举行的第十七届工博会以“创新、智能、绿色”为主题,围绕《中国制造2025》十大重点领域,聚焦智能转型,突出高端引领,体现“跨界、协同、融合、创新”趋势,成为“智能制造”的引领平台。本届工博会设置数控机床与金属加工展、工业自动化展、新能源与电力电工展、信息与通信技术应用展、工业环保技术与设备展、机器人展、节能与新能源汽车展、科技创新展和航空航天技术展等9个专业展。九大专业展均瞄准《中国制造 This year marks the first year of the implementation of the “China-made 2025” national strategy, and “smart manufacturing” has become the key to the Chinese-made 2025 landing. As a leading event and benchmark in the field of manufacturing industry, the 17th China International Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai) held its 17th Industry Fair from November 3 to November 7 with the theme of “Innovation, Intelligence and Greenness”. Based on the “Made in China 2025 Ten key areas, focusing on intelligent transformation, highlighting the high-end leading, ”“ cross-border, coordination, integration and innovation ”trend, a “ smart manufacturing ”leading platform. The CIIF sets CNC machine tools and metal processing exhibition, industrial automation exhibition, new energy and power electric exhibition, information and communication technology exhibition, industrial environmental technology and equipment exhibition, robotics exhibition, energy-saving and new energy automobile exhibition, science and technology innovation Exhibition and Aerospace Technology Exhibition 9 professional exhibition. Nine professional exhibition are aimed at "Made in China
2013年9月1 7日下午,中电视台2014年节目资源推介在人民大会堂召开,待春晚导演冯小刚登台时,主持人毕福剑便一脸坏笑地打听春晚的筹备情况,见此,冯导调侃道:“其实,老毕就是
珠崖椰树欲凌霄,屡受台风不叶凋;  本性坚贞经锻炼,故乡人有此标高。  这首诗是董必武于1960年在海南岛给一位身经百战的共和国将军的亲笔题词。  这位将军,就是1955年被授予海军少将军衔的中国人民解放军海军原副司令员马忠全。  马忠全,湖北黄安县(今红安县)大马贤村人,原名马忠乾。参加红军时,连长错把马忠乾听成了马忠全,从此马忠全这个名字就一直沿用了下来。1930年,马忠全参加工农红军,成了红