公共关系简称PR,是指社会组织运用双向传播手段,遵循社会利益至上、平等互利的原则,协调与公众的关系以建树良好组织形象的一种社会管理职能。自80年代公共关系传入我国以来得到了长足的发展,服务的领域逐渐扩大,其在帮助社会组织沟通信息,协调关系,适应环境,建树形象,成就事业等方面的独特作用受到人们的普遍重视。 近年来,伴随全球商战的升级,激烈的市场竞争在一定意义上已成为名牌的竞争。许多国外名牌以鲜明的形象,卓著的国际声誉,优异的品质和多变的款式受到国内消费者的喜爱,
The PR is a social management function of two-way communication means of social organizations, follow the principle of social interests first, equality and mutual benefit, and coordinate with the public to establish a good organizational image. Since the introduction of public relations into our country in the 1980s, great progress has been made in the field of service expansion. The unique role of social organizations in helping social organizations to communicate information, coordinate relations, adapt to the environment, establish an image, and accomplish achievements has been widely recognized by people . In recent years, with the escalation of global commercial warfare, fierce market competition has become a brand name competition in a certain sense. Many foreign famous brand with a distinctive image, outstanding international reputation, excellent quality and changing styles by domestic consumers,