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赵心水以导演《冰山上的来客》等片面驰名影坛的长影著名导演赵心水,如今又重返新疆,拍摄一部反映新疆少数民族生活的彩色故事片《戈壁残月》。影片的女主角由新疆少数民族演员加米拉担任。在《不该发生的故事》中扮演梁秀贞的长影青年演员石荣,在《十六号病房》中扮演“老二哥”陈仲男的八一厂中年演员冯恩鹤,都在《戈壁残月》中担任主要角色。王家乙著名导演艺术家王家乙虽已年近七十高龄,但仍战斗在生产第一线。现在,他正率摄制组在云南边境拍摄反映傣族人民当代生活的影片《相约在凤尾竹下》。他在五、六十年代曾拍摄过反映少数民族生活的影片《五朵金花》、《达吉和她的父亲》、《景颇姑娘》等,在国内外均受到好评。今天,他决心在银幕上再现党的十一届三中全会以后的边疆少数民族火热的生 ZHAO Xin-shui, director of the iceberg on the film, and other well-known film director Chang Xin famous director Zhao heart water, and now return to Xinjiang, shooting a reflection of the life of Xinjiang ethnic color feature film “Gobi moon.” Film actress from Xinjiang minority actress Jia Mi pull as. Shi Rong, a long acting young actor who plays Liang Xiuzhen in “The Story Should Not Occur”, and Feng Enhe, a middle-aged actor of Bayi Factory who plays “Second Brother” Chen Zhongnan in “Ward 16” As the main role. Although Wang Jiayi, a famous director and artist of Wang Jiayi, is nearly seventy years old, he is still fighting the first line of production. Now, he is shooting the film crew on the Yunnan border filming the contemporary life of the Dai people’s film, “Meet at the foot of the bamboo”. In the 1950s and ’60s, he had films such as “Five Golden Flowers”, “Dagi and Her Father,” and “Jingpo Girl,” which have captured the lives of ethnic minorities. Both of them were well received at home and abroad. Today, he is determined to represent on the screen the fiery students from the ethnic minorities in the border areas after the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee
利用高精度和稳定的AIRS/Aqua(Atmospheric InfraRed Sounder on board Aqua)数据对SVISSR/FY-2C(Stretched Visible and Infrared SpinScan Radiometer on board Feng Yun 2C)的两个分裂窗通道IR1(Infra Red 1,10.9μm)和IR2(InfraRed 2,11.
建立了利用气相色谱-火焰光度检测器检测芝麻香白酒风味成分3-甲硫基丙醇的方法.样品前处理方法为CH2Cl2萃取,酒样浓缩50倍分析;色谱方法为DB-FFAP(60 m×0.25 mm×0.