2001年 辛巳年 在我很小的时候就知道并喜欢天津杨柳青年画,《胖娃娃抱鲤鱼》的年画在我的记忆中始终是那么鲜艳、鲜活。终于,今年过年我去杨柳青寻访传统年画,去寻找传统过年的感觉。 2001年1月24日大年初一,在天津市杨柳青只询问了两个人,我找到了当今仅有的一家杨柳青木版彩绘年画世家作坊——玉成号画庄。杨柳青木版年画始于明末公元1616年间,它做工精细、线
In 2001, when I was a young boy, Xinbai Nian knew and loved the Tianjin Yangliuqing New Year paintings. The pictures of “fat doll carp” are always vivid and vivid in my memory. Finally, I went to Yangliuqing this year to visit the traditional New Year paintings to find the feeling of traditional Chinese New Year. On January 24, 2001, on the first day of the New Year’s Day, Yangliuqing asked only two people in Tianjin. I found one of the only Yangliuqing woodblock painting workshops in the world today. Yangliuqing woodblock New Year pictures began in the 1616 AD, it works fine line