The translation of “Navigation and Control” complies with the purpose of running “Navigation and Control”. Based on the tracking of advanced technologies, drawing on the experience of other countries, broadening the horizons of inertial technology practitioners, building a high base platform, serving science and technology personnel, Edited and published for the purpose of speeding up the development of inertial technology in our country. The translation collection, based on recent foreign advanced technologies, has received an article on inertial techniques and related professional works, hoping to broaden its horizons, enlighten ideas and bypassing readers in order to promote the development of inertial cause. The current edition of “Navigation and Control” 2002-2013 edition of the “Navigation and Control” of the editorial department of our editorial office costs $ 100.00 per year (including postage) and the “Navigation and Control” book for the year 2003-2009, with an annualized cost of 400 Yuan (including postage). Need to subscribe to the units and individuals, please contact with the editorial department. Address: Beijing 142 Box 403 403 points (100854) “Navigation and Control” editorial department received