当进食热量超过人体的消耗量时,多余的热量便主要转化为脂肪,使体重增加,若超过正常体重的20%以上,就称为肥胖。这种肥胖基本上属于健康的范围,可以通过节食、运动来消除。而疾病引起的肥胖不仅不能通过减肥来达到治疗目的,反而会有害健康。其治疗主要是消除病因,那么,哪些疾病能引起肥胖呢? 柯兴氏综合征又称肾上腺皮质功能亢进症。肾上腺位于肾脏的上方,柯兴氏综合征患者分泌的皮质醇,可引起一系列临床症状:向心性肥胖(既头面部及躯干肥胖,而四
When eating more calories than the body’s consumption, the excess heat is mainly converted to fat, so that weight gain, if more than 20% of normal body weight, is called obesity. This kind of obesity basically falls into the healthy range and can be eliminated by diet and exercise. The disease caused by obesity not only through weight loss to achieve the purpose of treatment, but will be harmful to health. The treatment is to eliminate the cause, then, what diseases can cause obesity? Cushing’s syndrome, also known as adrenal insufficiency. The adrenal gland is above the kidneys and Cortisol secreted by patients with Cushing’s syndrome can cause a series of clinical symptoms: central obesity (both head and trunk obesity, and four