本文应用龙滩水电站和十三陵抽水蓄能电站两座面板堆石坝的堆石料,近似模拟大坝填筑、水库蓄水和库水位下降时的应力路径,研究了坝体内的应力状态。试验结果表明:对面板坝而言,大坝在施工期和运行期坝轴线上游部位处的堆石变形模量比常规三轴应力(σ3= c)条件下得出的变形模量大,而以往一些工程在进行坝体有限元计算时未考虑这一特点,采用的堆石变形模量偏小,这是计算周边缝位移及面板法向位移比实际值偏大的主要原因。
In this paper, the rockfill materials of two face rockfill dam of Longtan Hydropower Station and Shisanling Pumped Storage Power Station are used to simulate the stress path of dam filling, reservoir water storage and water level drop, and the stress state in the dam body is studied. The test results show that the deformation modulus of the dam at the upstream part of the dam axis during construction and operation period is larger than that under the normal triaxial stress (σ3 = c) Some projects in the past did not consider this feature in the finite element calculation of the dam body, and used the rockfill deformation modulus is small, which is the main reason for calculating the perimeter displacement and panel normal displacement larger than the actual value.