细水雾灭火技术作为新一代理想的卤代烷替代技术引起了人们的重视 ,它兼具气体灭火系统和水喷淋系统的优点 ,可更有效地吸收热量 ,降低氧合量 ,有着优越的灭火效果。上海金盾消防安全设备有限公司凭借自身雄厚的技术力量 ,在国内率先开发成功 ZSWD型细水雾自动灭火系统 ,该产品
As a new generation of ideal haloalkyl substitute technology, water mist fire extinguishing technology has attracted people’s attention. It combines the advantages of gas fire extinguishing system and water spray system, can absorb heat more effectively, reduce oxygenation amount and has superior fire extinguishing effect . Shanghai Golden Shield Fire Safety Equipment Co., Ltd. with its own strong technical force, the first in China to successfully develop ZSWD type water mist automatic fire extinguishing system, the product