Small cell lung cancer is a common thoracic tumor with a high degree of malignancy and rapid progression. It has been widely metastasized at the time of treatment. At the same time, the disease is sensitive to radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Most patients can be relieved by radiotherapy and chemotherapy in a short period of time. Some patients with small cell lung cancer due to late treatment, poor general condition, loss of radiotherapy and chemotherapy pointer without treatment. One patient with small cell lung cancer was admitted to our department in January 2014. The EOCG score was> 2 points. The ventilator supported the one-cycle chemotherapy and achieved good results. The results are reported as follows. 1 case data patients, Li XX, female, 62 years old, because of “lower back pain more than 1 month” in 2014-01-15 into my department. There was no obvious incentive before January