当无名烦恼袭来,便舍书包走向户外,去感受大自然。远离繁华、喧嚣的都市,走在农家的石径上,倚着一棵不知名的大树,拾起一片被季节遗落的叶子衔在嘴里,看着时近秋季的景色,碧绿的山脊里显得更加深沉宽广,茂盛的枝干上再不闻盛夏此起彼伏的蝉鸣,周围一片静谧,只有草丛中几只挣扎的蝗虫不惜耗尽一切力气在力争上游, 争取得到最后一点生的希望。去望望时而微波四起,时而荡起涟漪的湖水,映照一个被现实铜墙铁壁撞得伤痕累累,颓丧的我。看着没有丝毫力
When nameless annoyance hits, she goes outside and goes to experience nature. Stay away from the bustling and bustling city, walk on the stone path of the farmhouse, lean against an unknown tree, pick up a leaf that is left behind by the seasons, and look at the scenery in the near autumn, the green ridges. It is even more profound and broad, and the lush branches no longer hear the buzzing noises of midsummer. There is a quiet surrounding. Only the struggling locusts in the grass do not hesitate to use all their strength to strive for the upper reaches and strive for the last hope. When I went to look at the microwaves, I rushed from time to time to see a lake that was bruised and blew through the iron walls of the walls. Nothing looked at