1 “日熊香炉生紫烟,遥看瀑布挂前川,飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天。”诗人李白用鲜艳的色彩,新奇的联想和夸张,描绘了庐山瀑布的壮观。看,郁郁苍苍的香炉峰,在灿烂的阳光照耀下,蒸蔚着紫色的烟霞,一道瀑布从高山笔直地奔泻而下,银光闪闪,气势磅礴,与紫烟相映生辉,使人目弦神夺,几乎疑心是天上的银河泻落下来。这里,灿烂的阳光,紫色的烟霞,色彩艳丽,陡峭的山峰,飞泻的瀑布,气势雄伟。读着它,一
1 “The Japanese bear censer was born with purple smoke. Looking at the waterfall and hanging from the former Sichuan River, the waterfall flowed straight down three thousand feet. It was suspected that the Milky Way fell for nine days.” The poet Li Bai described the spectacular scenery of the Lushan Waterfall with bright colors, novel associations and exaggerations. Look, the gloomy and fragrant incense burner peak shines under the brilliant sunshine, and the purple haze is steamed. A waterfall runs straight down from the mountains. The silver sparkles, magnificent, and shines with the purple smoke. God wins, and it is almost doubtful that the heavenly galactic diarrhea falls. Here, the bright sunshine, purple haze, colorful, steep peaks, waterfalls, magnificent. Read it, one