校中厂里育人才 合作科研促共赢“校中厂”——高邮鸭红太阳食品有限公司泰州高邮鸭育种分公司运行实践

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围绕江苏省在全国率先提出的畜牧业要实现生态健康养殖,促进现代畜牧业转型升级的新要求,江苏现代畜牧业校企合作联盟理事会为促进学院创新办学体制机制、发挥学院强劲的产、教、学、研及社会服务实力,推动省内畜牧龙头企业加大与学院合作力度,开展深度合作。一、资源共享,校企共建校中厂以“双黄蛋”闻名全国的江苏高邮鸭集团是农业产业化国家重点龙头企业,拥有先进的高邮鸭良种繁育中心、国家级种质资源场及现 Surrounding Jiangsu Province in the country first proposed livestock husbandry in order to achieve ecological health farming, and promote the transformation and upgrading of modern animal husbandry, the new requirements of Jiangsu Modern Animal Husbandry School Enterprise Cooperation Union Council to promote innovative institutional mechanisms for running schools, to play a strong college production, Teaching, learning, research and social services, promote the leading livestock enterprises in the province to intensify cooperation with the Institute and carry out in-depth cooperation. First, the sharing of resources, schools and schools to build the school in order to “double yellow egg” is well-known throughout the country Jiangsu Gaoyou Duck Group is the national key industrialization of agriculture leading enterprises, advanced Gaoyou duck breeding center, national germplasm resources Field and now
[摘 要] “工学结合”背景下顶岗实习是高职院校实践教学的主要内容。通过对顶岗实习学生的心理状况进行梳理和原因分析,提出了一些可行性解决对策,以期对高职院校开展顶岗实习心理健康教育提供借鉴。  [关 键 词] 工学结合;高职大学生; 顶岗实习;心理状况;对策  [中图分类号] G715 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-0603(2016)31-0046-02  2006年教育部颁发了《
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