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目的研究密闭环境内挥发性有机物(VOC)对人体神经行为和脑象图的影响。方法6名成年健康男性受试者,分为两组(接触组和对照组),每组3人。于接触组进密闭室前第3天、离开密闭室当天、离开密闭室后第3天,对两组受试者进行神经行为功能测试(NCTB)和脑象图检查(EEQG)。接触组在60m3居住型密闭环境内生活7昼夜,对照组在舱外正常生活。试验期间,每天采集密闭室空气2次,上下午各一次。将采集的样品置于Tekmar6000FinniganGCQ联机系统内,采用热解析浓缩-色质谱联用方法分析检测VOC。结果进入密闭室前第3天的NCTB和EEQG值两组间比较未出现显著性差异;密闭室内7昼夜VOC平均总量约为33.07mg/m3,其中酮醛类物质占44.39%,氟利昂类占34.78%,苯及苯环类占13.28%;离开密闭室当天,接触组的提转敏捷度非利手得分和目标追踪正确数值均明显低于对照组;脑象图检查显示:接触组的脑象图图形总分数值和右半球图形分数值均明显低于对照组;离开密闭室后第3天,接触组的简单反应时和提转敏捷度非利手得分值均明显低于对照组。其余测试项目未出现显著性差异。结论密闭环境中的VOC对神经行为和脑象图的影响,主? Objective To study the effects of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) on the neurobehavior and brain imaging in a closed environment. Methods Six adult healthy male subjects were divided into two groups (contact group and control group) with 3 in each group. The neurobehavioral functional test (NCTB) and the brain pictorial examination (EEQG) were performed on the third day before the exposure group entered the airtight chamber and on the day after leaving the airtight chamber on the third day after leaving the airtight chamber. The contact group lived in a confined environment of 60m3 residence for 7 days and nights, and the control group lived normally outside the capsule. During the test, the air in the airtight room was collected twice a day and once in the afternoon. The collected samples were placed in Tekmar6000FinniganGCQ online system, the use of thermal analysis of concentration - chromatography mass spectrometry method for the detection of VOC. Results There was no significant difference between NCTB and EEQG values ​​on the third day before entering the airtight chamber. The average of the seven days and night VOCs in the airtight chamber was about 33.07 mg / m3, of which the ketoaldehydes accounted for 44.39% Freon accounted for 34.78%, benzene and benzene ring accounted for 13.28%; left the airtight room on the day of the contact group transfer sensitivity agile score and target tracking correct values ​​were significantly lower than the control group; The examination showed that: the total score of the brain image graph and the value of the right hemisphere graph of the contact group were significantly lower than that of the control group; on the third day after leaving the airtight chamber, the simple reaction time of the contact group and the non-profit score Values ​​were significantly lower than the control group. The remaining test items did not show significant differences. Conclusion The effect of VOC in airtight environment on neurobehavioral and brain imaging,
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