患者,女,20岁、工人。因畏寒、发热、头痛、流鼻涕来院求治。经检查诊断为上呼吸道感染。给予口服病毒灵、扑炎痛和非拉根,肌注板蓝根2ml(广东和平制药厂出品,批号为880228),约2分钟后,患者突感胸闷、心慌、气紧、出汗,随之神志不清,口唇紫绀、四肢厥冷,脉搏细弱130次/分,Bp9.33/6.67kPa。立刻皮下注射0.1%肾上腺素0.5mg,50%葡萄糖液20ml 加地塞米松5mg 静推,给氧等抢救过敏性休克的治疗,病情逐渐好转,经卧床休息观察两小时后恢复正常。患者否认有药物过敏
Patient, female, 20 years old, worker. Due to chills, fever, headache, runny nose to hospital for treatment. After examination diagnosed as upper respiratory tract infection. Given oral virus Ling, Puhuang inflammatory and non-pull root, intramuscular Banlangen 2ml (Guangdong Peace Pharmaceutical Factory produced, batch number 880228), about 2 minutes later, the patient suddenly felt chest tightness, palpitation, tightness, sweating, followed by consciousness Unclear, cyanotic lips, extremities Jueleng, pulse weakness 130 beats / min, Bp9.33 / 6.67kPa. Immediately subcutaneous injection of 0.1% epinephrine 0.5mg, 50% glucose solution 20ml plus dexamethasone 5mg static push, oxygen and other rescue anaphylactic shock treatment, the condition gradually improved, the bed rest observed two hours later returned to normal. Patients denied having drug allergy