本文认为 ,文艺心理学已成为现代文艺学的重要学派之一。而主要从西方现代心理学派中借鉴的文艺心理的研究方法 ,在认识论上大都存在着把人类心理简单化、生物学化的偏颇与倾向。要使文艺心理学研究走向科学 ,就必须确认人的审美意识和艺术活动与社会心理不可分割的联系。马克思恩格斯的文艺批评实践为我们提供了对文艺进行社会心理分析的经典范式。由恩格斯提出、经普列汉诺夫完善的“中介环节”说 ,则把社会心理分析提升到了作为科学的文艺心理研究必须遵循的基本原则与方法的高度
This paper argues that literature and art psychology has become one of the most important schools of modern literature and art. However, the research methods of literary psychology, which are mainly borrowed from western modern psychology schools, mostly exist on the epistemology as biasing and biasing human psychology. In order to make the study of literary psychology go to science, we must confirm that human’s aesthetic awareness and artistic activity are inseparably linked with social psychology. The practice of literary criticism by Marx and Engels provided us with a classic paradigm of social psychoanalysis of literature and art. Engels proposed that Plekhanov’s perfect “intermediary link” theory raised the analysis of social psychology to the height of the basic principles and methods that must be followed in the study of psychology of literature and art as a science