目前,我国肉类及水产品已出口到美国、欧盟等40个国家和地区。 记者近日从国家质检总局了解到,为积极促进我国肉类及水产品的出口,保证出口产品质量,各级质检部门从源头抓起,及时了解和掌握供宰杀动物的来源和健康状况,严格把好出入境检疫检验关,决不允许将没有经过产地检疫或检疫不合格的活动物用于屠宰加工出口。在加强对出口肉类加工厂管理方面,各级质检部门分别组织力量对加工厂进行了全面检查,对那些管理不善、卫生条件差、不能保证出口肉安全卫生的加工厂一律取消其出口供货资格。
At present, China’s meat and aquatic products have been exported to the United States, the European Union and other 40 countries and regions. Recently, the reporter learned from AQSIQ that in order to actively promote the export of meat and aquatic products in China and ensure the quality of export products, quality inspection departments at all levels started from the source to keep abreast of and understand the sources and health conditions for slaughtering animals, Strictly out of the exit quarantine inspection, will not be allowed to pass the quarantine or quarantine origin failed for slaughter and processing exports. In strengthening the management of export meat processing plants, quality inspection departments at all levels organized forces to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the processing factories, and canceled their export supplies to those processing factories that were poorly managed and poorly sanitized and could not guarantee the safety and health of exported meat Goods eligible.