随着科技、经济的高速发展,全球的超级工程建设越来越多。全球超级工程是指那些投资至少10亿美元或具有全球意义的高新技术突破工程。据统计,全世界目前有1500多项超级工程,其中约1/3处于概念或规划阶段,1/3处于实际建设阶段;1/3已经建成,例如高速列车、全球高速公路和无处不在的通信网络工程等。交通运输超级工程 1994年。莱茵河——多瑙河水道最后一段终于开通,此项工程始于8世纪罗马大帝查理曼时期。已开通的连接英法两国的英吉利海峡隧道的工程是由拿破仑在大约200年前首次提出的。此外。等待已久的斯堪的纳维亚/欧洲连接公路正在建设之中;各集团正在会谈以筹划并促成在直布罗陀的欧洲/非洲洲际公路连接以及经白令海峡下面的亚洲/北美公路连接。1995年,日本新的明石海峡大桥正在建设之中,完工之后,它将成为世界上最长的悬索桥,
With the rapid development of science and technology and economy, more and more super projects are built in the world. Global super-engineering refers to those high-tech breakthroughs that invest at least $ 1 billion or have global significance. According to statistics, there are currently more than 1,500 super works in the world, of which about one third are in the conceptual or planning stage and 1/3 are in actual construction stage; one third have been completed, such as high-speed trains, global expressways and ubiquitous Communication Network Engineering. Transportation super engineering 1994. The last section of the Rhine - Danube channel was finally opened, beginning with the 8th century Roman Emperor Charlemagne. The opening of the tunnel linking the English and French Channel to Britain and France was first proposed by Napoleon about 200 years ago. In addition. The long-awaited Scandinavian / European connecting road is under construction; the groups are in talks to plan and contribute to the European / African intercontinental link in Gibraltar and the Asian / North American road link below the Bering Strait. In 1995, the new Akashi Kaikyo Bridge in Japan is under construction. After its completion, it will become the longest suspension bridge in the world,