
来源 :地下空间 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wk1990
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前言我对地下街环境的关心始于1957年,距今约二十二年了。名古屋地铁在同年十月一日开始通车。同时,因名古屋车站和市中区的繁荣而诞生了地下街。一个月后,我同几位研究人员到地下街参观,约过了三十分钟就喘不上气来,而急忙跑回地面。接触了外面空气后才勉强恢复正常,这才放心。我本来对温度、湿度和气流都很敏感,条件稍有恶化就感觉不舒服,但是我还是怀着对地下街环境到底是什么状态的问题,亲自对它进行调查。结果发现有若干问题,从此对地下环境才逐渐地关心,而名古屋地区的地下街环境也逐步在改变,现在一般认为几乎没有什么问题了。然而,地下环境是一个同地面空气隔绝的人工环境,必须施行人工温度,湿度、通风、换气和采光等气象条件,其好坏是看地下环境对健康的影响,这是个非常重要的问题,特别是对在地下环境工作的人员来说,由于每天长时间在地下渡过,因此对健康方面应该予以足够地关心。另外,对于靠人工空气调节的这种环境,由于全年温差变化小,老鼠和蟑螂之类的害虫容易栖息,必须充分考虑到它们给人体带来的影响。另外,最近在地下商业街邻近设置地下停车场的情况也多了,从停车场排出的气体往往造成空气污染。这里,试就地下环境与健康问题从下面几个方面做些研究。 Foreword My concern for the underground street environment began in 1957 and has been around for 22 years. The Nagoya subway started on October 1st of the same year. At the same time, an underground street was born due to the prosperity of Nagoya Station and the downtown district. A month later, I visited several researchers and visited the underground street. After about thirty minutes, I ran out of breath and ran back to the ground. It was only after the outside air was barely restored to normal. I was already sensitive to temperature, humidity, and air flow. I felt uncomfortable with a slight deterioration of conditions. However, I was still investigating the situation of the underground street environment. As a result, there were several problems. Since then, the underground environment has gradually become concerned. The underground street environment in the Nagoya area has gradually changed, and it is generally assumed that there is almost no problem. However, the underground environment is an artificial environment isolated from the ground air. Artificial weather, humidity, ventilation, ventilation and daylighting conditions must be applied. The quality of the underground environment is a function of the health of the underground environment. This is a very important issue. Especially for people who work in the underground environment, because they spend a long time underground, they should be concerned about health. In addition, in an environment conditioned by artificial air, pests such as mice and cockroaches are easily inhabited due to small changes in temperature throughout the year, and their effects on the human body must be fully taken into consideration. In addition, underground parking lots have recently been set up near underground commercial streets, and the air discharged from parking lots often causes air pollution. Here, try to do some research on the subsurface environment and health issues from the following aspects.
有些蔬菜既可熟吃也可以生吃,比如韭菜、蒜苗。韭菜的香辛味主要来源于具有挥发性的硫代丙烯,可增进食欲,还有散淤、活血、解毒等功效。蒜苗可以生吃。蒜苗中 Some vegetabl
他的手腕上戴着一块很别致的表,第一次见面时我便注意到了,因为表盘上是一张照片,他和一个大约三四岁的小孩,而背景是天空般的蓝色,十分醒目。 He wore a very chic watch o
通过实例解剖和经济比较,认为高效、节能、环保的燃气红外线辐射采暖设备必将引发一场大型商场采暖形式的革命。 Through the example of anatomy and economic comparison,