
来源 :中医儿科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zh0518
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目的观察中医辨证施治小儿急性阑尾炎术后肠功能恢复不良的临床疗效。方法对72例急性阑尾炎术后肠功能恢复不良的患儿在常规治疗的基础上进行辨证分型,分为脾胃湿热、脾胃虚弱、气阴两伤3种证型,分别予平胃散加味、四君子汤加味、生脉散加味治疗,观察肠功能恢复情况。结果经过辨证施治后,59例患儿在服药6 h后即开始排气、排便,13例服药24 h后开始正常排气、排便,所有患儿均在服药后症状缓解,肠功能恢复良好,未发生并发症及后遗症。结论中医辨证施治可以显著改善小儿急性阑尾炎术后肠功能恢复不良,减少并发症及后遗症的发生,为治疗小儿急腹症术后病变提供了有效的治疗方案。 Objective To observe the clinical curative effect of dysfunction of bowel function after differentiation of traditional Chinese medicine on children with acute appendicitis. Methods 72 cases of acute appendicitis patients with poor recovery of intestinal function in the conventional treatment based on syndrome differentiation, divided into spleen and stomach, spleen and stomach, Qi and Yin injury two kinds of syndromes, respectively, to Pingwei San taste, Sijunzi Tonga flavor, Shengmai San flavored treatment, observe the recovery of intestinal function. Results After the syndrome differentiation, 59 infants started to exhaust and defecate 6 h after taking the medicine. After 13 hours of taking the medicine, they started to exhaust and defecate normally. All the patients were relieved of symptoms and good bowel function after taking medicine , No complications and sequelae occurred. Conclusion Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine can significantly improve acute appendicitis in children with poor recovery of intestinal function, reduce complications and sequelae, for the treatment of children with acute abdomen postoperative lesions provide an effective treatment.
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