
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zz_mars
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DNA was extracted from 52 thick primary melanomas and mutations sought in exon 15 of the BRAF (v-raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B1) gene using denaturing high performance liquid chromatograph (dHPLC) fragment analysis, sequencing, and allele-specific PCR. Exon 15 BRAF mutations were found in 13 of 52 (25% ) primary melanomas. These comprised five of 17 (29% ) superficial spreading melanomas, three of 11 (27% ) nodular melanomas, two of 13 (15% ) acral lentiginous melanomas, one of one (100% ) mucosal melanoma and two of 10 (20% ) lentigo maligna melanomas. In common with other groups, our findings show a relative concentration of the exon 15 BRAF mutation in superficial spreading and nodular melanomas, but add further evidence that this mutation not necessary for malignant transformation of the melanocyte. DNA was extracted from 52 thick primary melanomas and mutations sought in exon 15 of the BRAF (v-raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B1) gene using denaturing high performance liquid chromatography (dHPLC) fragment analysis, sequencing, and allele-specific PCR. Exon Three of 11 (27%) nodular melanomas, two of 13 (15%) acral lentiginous melanomas, three of 11 (27% one of one (100%) mucosal melanoma and two of 10 (20%) lentigo maligna melanomas. In common with other groups, our findings show a relative concentration of the exon 15 BRAF mutation in superficial spreading and nodular melanomas, but add further evidence evidence that this mutation not necessary for malignant transformation of the melanocyte.
目前鼻咽癌中下颈淋巴引流区预防照射普遍采用单一切线野,中央挡铅3 cm宽度保护颈段脊髓,剂量计算采用点剂量计算方法,通常是按照输出量(MU)250 cGy/次,给予总剂量6250 cGy.由于颈部外轮廓接近椭圆形,第Ⅲ、Ⅳ和Ⅴ组淋巴引流区深度不同,单纯前野照射无法使各淋巴引流区得到均匀足量照射.笔者通过设计不同的放疗方式,分析比较中下颈部各淋巴引流区的剂量分布,期望找到合理的中下颈淋巴引流区的预防
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探究能力的学习和培养是数学基本功之一,而类比法是探索新知识的重要思想方法。本文探讨了在概念和定理教学中,培养学生的类比探究能力,所积累的经验和方法。 The study and