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科技场馆,是最早被定义为“第二课堂”的社会教育资源之一。可惜,至今不少学校对其利用还局限于科普参观这一狭窄范围,离社会实践活动的要求都尚有距离,更遑论紧密互动和资源课程的系统开发了。科技场馆,因其专业性而弥补了学校知识系统的不足。有鉴于此,校馆的联动,就应该在两者之间,寻找其最大公约数,达到最大公倍值。我认为,建设校馆课程,是促成校馆合作的最重要的载体。校馆课程联动的基础,就是知识在不同形态下的自然迁移。我们学校利用周边场馆资源,在校馆课程的抱团式开发上作了一些探索。我们以STEM科教战略为校馆课程开发的核心导向。我们视STEM是知识学习的后处理工艺,而把校馆体验式课程、参与 Science and technology venues, is the earliest is defined as “second class ” one of the social education resources. Unfortunately, so far many schools have also limited their use to such a narrow range of popular science visits and are still far from the requirements of social practice, let alone systematically developing close interaction and resource curricula. Science and technology venues, because of their professionalism and make up for lack of knowledge of the school system. In view of this, the linkage between school should be between the two, looking for the greatest common divisor, to achieve the greatest common factor. In my opinion, building school-based curricula is the most important carrier for the cooperation between schools and colleges. The foundation of the linkage between school and university curriculum is the natural transfer of knowledge in different forms. Our school makes use of the resources of the surrounding stadiums to make some exploration on the Baotuan-style development of the school-based curriculum. We use STEM science and education strategy as the core guideline for the development of schoolhouse curriculum. We view STEM as a post-processing technique for knowledge learning, and incorporate school-based experiential courses
和谐是中国特色社会主义的本质属性,是国家富强、民族振兴、人民幸福的重要保证。和谐社会的提出是党对社会主义认识的又一重大理论创新,标 Harmony is the essential attri
春华秋实,又是一年高考时。作为边疆少数民族地区, 我区去年普通高校招生总体情况如何,2005年我区招生政策有哪些改进、有哪些新的要求,带着这些问题,本刊记者走访了自治区高