目的了解潍坊市197处预防接种门诊工作人员的现状,为加强潍坊市免疫规划专业人员队伍建设,科学配置免疫规划人力资源提供参考依据。方法 2016年12月使用山东省统一的调查表,收集潍坊市预防接种门诊工作人员的基本信息,分析接种工作人员的年龄、工作年限、文化程度、职称等特征分布情况。结果 2016年潍坊市预防接种门诊取得上岗资格证的工作人员1 084人,平均每个门诊5.5人,≤5人的占42.64%;年龄主要集中在20~50岁;工作年限≤10年的占67.30%;学历以中专和大专为主,占到77.49%;中高级职称仅占18.91%,无职称的非专业人员占41.70%。结论潍坊市基层工作人员配备不能满足目前免疫规划工作要求。全市预防接种门诊工作人员从数量、质量、结构等各方面,与免疫规划工作需求存在较大的差距。
Objective To understand the status quo of 197 outpatient vaccination staffs in Weifang City and provide reference for strengthening the contingent of immunization planning professionals and the scientific allocation of human resources for immunization planning in Weifang City. Methods In December 2016, the unified questionnaire of Shandong Province was used to collect the basic information of outpatient vaccination workers in Weifang City and analyze the distribution of the characteristics such as the age, working years, education level and professional title of the vaccinated staff. Results In 2016, Weifang vaccination clinics obtained a total of 1,084 staff members with an average of 5.5 in each outpatient department and 42.64% of those with ≤5 people. The patients were mainly aged 20 to 50 years old. Their working years were less than 10 years 67.30%; secondary school diploma and college-based, accounting for 77.49%; senior professional titles accounted for only 18.91%, no title of non-professionals accounted for 41.70%. Conclusion Weifang city grass-roots staffing can not meet the current immunization program requirements. Vaccination clinics in the city staff from the quantity, quality, structure and other aspects, and immunization planning needs of a larger gap.