Aesthetic Progression in Literary Translation

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  This paper elaborates on the theory of “aesthetic progression” in literary translation.
  Aesthetic progression is the interacting process occurring between the text and the translator, in this context; it refers to the process of image actualization. According to “Aesthetic progression” is applied to denote both the translating process and the procedure from the initial reading of a poetic text to the final translation choices and the mental process in image-actualization.
  There are four reasons to use “aesthetic progression” in literary translation: 1. languages inherently capable of multiple interpretations. 2. It can’t be assigned a single “correct” translation. 3. Form is not a property of a finished product; it never achieves a state of fixity but exists as continuously changing process. 4. The image of the translator is actualized in two languages and his mental actualization is integrated with transference into another language. The mental representation of the text that is finally registered in the translator’s mind may not be identical with the original text in formal structure. For the translator, it is equally important to obtain the maximally text-based meaning representation of the original text, and obtain maximal realization of a new text in another language. The early version of a translation tends to correspond more closely to linguistic expressions of S-text, while the later versions would gradually approach the maximally appropriate representation which manifests a T-text schema. There are two forms of schemas: 1. text schema--- in the sense of overall organization of the text. 2. Perceptive schema--- in the sense of the mental structures by which the cognitive or aesthetic subject adapts to and organizes the object.
  The process of the rearrangement contains two steps: 1. Image-G: from ST to TT undergoes the progression from SL structured to TL structured. That is the mental manifestation of an imaginary gestalt, inherent in the text schemata and to be actualized by the reader. “G” is for “gestalt”. “Image-G” focuses on the overall structure and aesthetic qualities of an image. 2. Image-G realization: from subjective to equivalent undergoes the progression from passive synthesis to reflective analysis. That is both mental and linguistic actualizations are of a multi-phase nature. Aesthetic progression in literary translation is thus also characterized by the dual activation of two languages schemata.
  The translator need to have the duty of reflecting the artistic image presented in the original text by means of a maximal preservation not only of the linguistically relevant information, but also the image. The priorities of the work sequence must be in the order of image primary, form secondary and not vice versa. The relationship between the S-text and T-text is as followed: If the T-text is manifested in identical or invariant formal representation as a result of image –G transformation, it is the coincidentally equivalent aspects between languages or is due to languages universals. Sometimes the coincidence would occur that both the form and the whole image are harmonized, but not always. Therefore literary translation must be coordinated by a conscious establishment of images, especially in translations conduced between languages such as Chinese and English, which differ rather enormously in linguistic structures, and between which formal correspondence is not easy to occur. The process of the translator’s text comprehension is: the translators text comprehension begins with identifying the text, as maintained by gestalt principle, in a holistic perception; and then analysis of the linguistic structure of the text. Finally, strategies are developed for translating the text, based on conclusions reached from both the analysis and the image-G. When being reproduced, isolated phenomena or individual items are traced in the web of relationships and determined by their relevance and function in the text- image. Also indispensable are strategies of linguistic structuration such as rearrangement, but they are mostly applied for the purpose of image- actualization.
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  简介:夏金玲 民族:汉 单位:辽宁工程技术大学外语系 主要从事外语教学及外语教学研究
教师是教学的重要力量,其授课能力的高低,直接影响教学的质量水平。“凡事预则立,不预则废”。备好课是授好课的前提和基础,也是教师必须具备的基本技能。一般来讲,备好一堂课,应做到“四要”:  一是要深钻细研教材。教材是组织训练的依据和内容载体,对教材的理解程度,直接关系到授课的质量。因此,教师在备课前必须认真研究并吃透教材,理解其中的内涵,做到“三清”:一是清楚本课的教学目的和要求;二是清楚本课的教学
在中国文学的阆苑里,古典诗词呈现着一种独有的芬芳绚丽。面对着满园春色,许多人却只能望“园”兴叹。其实,如果掌握了一些解读古典诗词的基本方法,我们就会成为诗词苑囿中的好“园丁”。其中,反衬艺术因为其突现最鲜明、效果最强烈尤为古代诗人们所青睐。下面我们就来探讨一下古代诗歌中的反衬艺术。  一、诗词中的反衬有时是两种不同的社会现实的反衬  如李绅的《悯农》中的著名诗句:  四海无闲田,农夫犹饿死。  这
摘 要: 思想教育是德育的一个重要方面。本文从思想教育的界定、方法和途径上阐述思想教育的实践意义。方法上主要以说服教育为重点,途径上以学科途径中的语文教学为主,在三观的教育上从较有实际意义的人生观来探讨。文章还提出了在进行思想教育时应注意的问题。  关键词: 思想教育 方法 途径      教育应以德育为首已成人们的共识。江泽民同志在《关于教育问题的谈话》中从国运盛衰,民族兴亡的角度高屋建瓴地指出
摘 要:随着商务英语学科的发展,很多高职院校在商务英语教学的各个领域取得了显著成绩。然而仍有一些具体因素制约着商务英语教师教学行为的有效性,笔者对这些制约因素进行了总结并对如何摆脱这些因素的影响提出了建议。  关键词:商务英语 教学行为 有效性 制约因素    随着高职教育的发展,商务英语,这门新兴的交叉学科,在很多院校迅速发展。在此过程中,很多院校及教师在专业设置、课程设计、教学方法、教学评估等
摘 要:我们着眼于学生的素质培养,必须把非智力因素的培养融于教学之中,并将它作为学科教学的目标。在数学教学中要取得良好效果,必须从展现数学学科价值、巧手设计悬念、创设和谐环境、提高学生自信心、磨练意志品质入手进行非智力因素的培养。  关键词:数学 非智力因素 培养    马克思早就指出:“人本身就是人的最高目的,人的价值也在于他自身。”教学是培养人的主要途径,它的最高目的应该是塑造完整的个性品质,
摘 要:本文针对高中数学教学中存在的一些问题,介绍对高中数学素质教育改革的一些尝试,以及实践探索。   关键词:数学素质 数学思想 数学建模 数学实验     1.引言  数学是一切科学和技术的基础,因而数学的重要作用和地位是不容置疑的。随着现代科学技术的飞速发展,数学与其他科学之间的相互交叉,相互渗透,大量的数学方法在科学研究和各个生产领域被成功应用,这些都显  示了数学的巨大作用。  2.目前
摘 要:《计算机网络》课程是大多数专业的必修课,如何指导学生顺利完成该门课程学习,提高学习效果,该文进行了初步探讨。  关键词:开放教育 计算机网络导学 实践性环节 虚拟机    《计算机网络》课程是计算机专业的基础课,计算机网络是计算机技术和通信技术相结合的产物,这门课程的理论知识和实践知识更新得都很快。要求学生有较好的理论基础和实践经验,同时要求授课教师既要有较好的理论知识,又要有较强的实践经