服务业合同密集型的行业特征决定了其集聚行为必然受到契约环境的影响。我们在Acemoglu et al(2007)技术和契约采用模型基础上,对契约环境如何影响服务业集聚的微观作用机制进行了理论探讨。区别于传统文献对行业数据的使用,本文利用2008年全国经济普查服务业企业数据测算了地级市层面四位行业代码下服务业集聚的EG指数,进而对中国243个地级市的服务业集聚情况进行了经验研究,发现在控制了地区特征变量、马歇尔外部性变量以及不可观测的地区差异之后,契约环境对于服务业集聚有显著影响。在用工具变量法克服内生性问题后,上述结论依旧稳健;考虑到极端值存在的情况,我们利用分位数回归的结果依旧支持了以上结论。可见,改善契约环境水平是促进服务业集聚的重要途径。
The industry characteristic of the service contract-intensive industry determines that its agglomeration behavior is bound to be affected by the contractual environment. On the basis of Acemoglu et al (2007) technology and contract model, we discuss theoretically how the contractual environment affects the micro-mechanism of service agglomeration. Different from the traditional literature on the use of industry data, this paper estimates the EG index of service industry agglomeration under the codes of four industries in the prefecture-level cities by using the data of the service enterprises in the 2008 national economic census and further analyzes the service industry in 243 prefecture-level cities in China Empirical study on the situation of agglomeration found that the contractual environment had a significant impact on service agglomeration after controlling for regional characteristic variables, Marshallian exogenous variables and unobservable regional differences. The above conclusion is still robust when we use the tool-based approach to overcome the endogeneity problem. Taking into account the existence of extreme values, the results of our quantile regression support the above conclusion. Obviously, improving the contractual environment level is an important way to promote service industry gathering.