1996年10月,王莉莎当选为遂宁市中区国税局稽查分局局长。还未到任,她先对自己“约法三章”,并多次当众宣布以期获得监督:“堂堂正正做人,清清白白为官,兢兢业业办税”。她是这样说的,也是这样做的。 1997年3月,某厂开具头大尾小发票偷税案发,稽查人员依法作出除补缴所偷税款外罚款1万元的处罚时,该厂厂长找到王局长一个劲地请求高抬贵手,从轻发落。遭到拒绝后,他又使出了在生意场上屡试不爽的“杀手锏”。当晚,该厂长提着一包“小意思”,
October 1996, Wang Lisha was elected Suining City Central IRS audit branch director. She has not yet served her first “Covenant 3 Chapter”, and repeatedly announced in the public to obtain supervision: “dignified man, plainly as a government, conscientiously do tax.” She said so, too, to do the same. In March 1997, a factory issued the first big tail small tax evasion case, the inspectors made a penalty of 10 thousand yuan in addition to paying the tax evasion, the director of the plant to find Wang Secretary kept trying to ask, from Light hair fall. After being denied, he again resorted to “killer” in the business world. That night, the director carrying a bag of “little meaning”