李治亭研究员的新作《吴三桂大传》已由吉林文史出版社出版。全书五十余万言,生动而又全面地叙述了吴三桂曲折多变,错综复杂的一生. 每一个历史巨变的时代都有一批关键性的历史人物,他们位于各种矛盾互相作用的中心,不同社会集团和阶级在利益关系,价值标准、道德观念、文化倾向等众多方面的对立与冲突都围绕着他们展开,而他们的抉择又往往对这个时期的历史进程产生极为重要的深远影响,因而,研究这些历史人物的思维与行为,并把他们置于所处客观社会环境中进行考察,由此而知人论世,就成为史学家阐述一个时代历史的重要途之一。而人们经常所谓的人物研究,其学术价值正在于此.
Li Zhiting’s new work, “Wu Sangui biography” has been published by Jilin Literature and History Publishing House. The book more than a hundred thousand words, vivid and comprehensive narration of Wu Sangui twists and turns, a complicated life .Every historic change has a number of key historical figures, they are located in the center of various conflicts and interactions, different societies The opposition and conflicts between the group and the class in many aspects such as interest relations, value standards, moral values and cultural tendencies revolve around them, and their choices often have a profound and far-reaching impact on the historical process of this period. Therefore, The thinking and behavior of these historical figures put them in the objective social environment in which they were inspected. From this, knowing one’s presence in the world became one of the important ways for historians to elaborate on the history of the times. And what people often call character research lies in its academic value.