Functional analyses of an E3 ligase gene AIP2 from wheat in Arabidopsis revealed its roles in seed g

来源 :Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:upup2004
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Pre‐harvest sprouting(PHS) seriously affects wheat yield and quality of the grain. ABI3 is a key factor in the activation of seed development and repression of germination in Arabidopsis. An ABI3‐interacting protein(AIP2) could polyubiquitinate ABI3, impair seed dormancy and promote seed germination in Arabidopsis. In this study,two wheat AIP2 genes, TaAIP2A and TaAIP2B, were isolated.Subcellular localization assay and yeast two‐hybrid analysis revealed that TaAIP2A and TaAIP2B may function through interaction with wheat Viviporous‐1(TaVp1). The transcripts TaAIP2A and TaAIP2B were more abundant in wheat PHS susceptible cultivars than that of resistant ones, and decreased gradually following seed development. Expression of TaAIP2A and TaAIP2B in Arabidopsis aip2‐1 mutant lines resulted in earlier flowering, promotion of seed germination,and reduced ABA sensitivity, respectively, somehow mimicking the phenotype of the wild type, with TaAIP2B having a stronger role in these aspects. Furthermore, the expression ofupstream genes ABI1 and ABI2 were upregulated, whereas that of downstream genes ABI3 and ABI5 were downregulated in both TaAIP2A and TaAIP2B complemented lines upon ABA treatment. These results suggested that wheat AIP2s could negatively regulate the ABA signaling pathway and play important roles in seed germination, and thus wheat PHS resistance finally. ABI3 is a key factor in the activation of seed development and repression of germination in Arabidopsis. An ABI3-interacting protein (AIP2) could polyubiquitinate ABI3, impair seed dormancy and promote seed germination in Arabidopsis. In this study, two wheat AIP2 genes, TaAIP2A and TaAIP2B, were isolated. Bacteria localization assay and yeast two-hybrid analysis revealed that TaAIP2A and TaAIP2B may function through interaction with wheat Viviporous-1 (TaVp1). Expression of TaAIP2A and TaAIP2B in Arabidopsis aip2-1 mutant lines resulted in earlier flowering, promotion of seed germination, and reduced ABA sensitivity, respectively, somehow mimicking the phenotype of the wild type, with TaAIP2B having a stronger role in these asp These results suggest that wheat AIP2s could negatively regulate the ABA signaling pathway and play. These results suggest that wheat AIP2s could negatively regulate the ABA signaling pathway and play important roles in seed germination, and thus wheat PHS resistance finally.
随着6月29日收盘,A股上半年的交易就此落幕,股民们关注的半年度牛股、熊股、妖股等也开始悉数浮出水面。从指数表现来看,上证指数半年上涨26.01点,涨幅1.18%,显然难以令人满意。不过,A股历史上从来没有连续3年下跌,在过去2年已经持续下跌的A股,下半年上涨的机会大于下跌。事实上,机构们近期对于下半年股市的判断也较为乐观,有机构大胆判断A股有望冲击2800点。  指数篇:沪指半年跌1.64%
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The 1st International Conference on Data-driven Knowledge Discovery:When Data Science Meets Information Science took place at the National Science Library(NSL),
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