20 0 1年1 1月 1 9日 意大利驻华大使保罗·布鲁尼拜会俄罗斯东欧中亚研究所所长李静杰 ,就当前美国军事打击塔利班对阿富汗产生的影响等问题交换意见。1 2月 6日 美国国防部、国务院亚洲安全事务顾问邦尼·格拉泽拜会俄罗斯东欧中亚研究所所长李静杰及中亚问题专家赵常庆研?
Italian Ambassador to China Paul Bruni Meets with Li Jingjie, Director of the Central Asian Research Institute for Eastern and Eastern Europe Russia on January 19, 2001 and exchanged views on the current U.S. military’s efforts to combat the Taliban’s influence on Afghanistan. 1 February 6 United States Department of Defense and State Department Asian Security Adviser Bonnie Glaser to visit China and Eastern Europe Russia Institute of Central Asia Li Jingjie and experts in the Central Asia Zhao Changqing research?