由德国录音工业协会和音乐工业联合会联合主办的回声古典大奖(ECHO Klassik)于7月初揭晓。知名音乐家如安妮-索菲·穆特,约舒亚·贝尔,玛塔·阿格里奇等均榜上有名。颁奖典礼将于10月14日在柏林音乐厅举行,届时德国电视台ZDF会现场直播这一盛况。古典回声大奖是德国最为著名的古典音乐唱片大奖,与美国的格莱美和英国的“全英古典”齐名,都是由该国的唱片工业协会或相关机构发起的大奖,主要奖项包括人物和唱片两大块。今年的古典回声大奖中,大牌艺术家和新兴音乐家各有千秋,传统意
Echo Klassik, jointly organized by the German Recording Industry Association and the Music Industry Federation, was announced in early July. Well-known musicians such as Anne-Sophie Mutter, Joshua Bell, Marta Aguirre and others are on the list. The award ceremony will be held on October 14 at the Berlin Concert Hall, when the German television station ZDF will broadcast the event live. Classical Echo Award is Germany’s most famous classical music record award, with the United States and the United Kingdom Grammy “All England Classic ”, are sponsored by the country’s record industry association or related agencies sponsored awards, the main awards include the characters And record two big pieces. This year’s Classic Echo Awards, big-name artists and emerging musicians have their advantages, the traditional