1 流域概况 南四湖流域包括鲁、苏、豫、皖4省的32个县(市、区),是我国北方最大的淡水湖,具有行蓄、滞洪、引水、灌溉、通航、养殖等多种功能。韩庄节制闸以上流域面积31422km~2。流域出口有山东省微山县境内的韩庄闸、伊家河闸、老运河闸和江苏省境内的蔺家坝闸。南四湖主要的入湖河道有53条,湖东主要有:泗河、白马河、光府河、城郭河、十字河、北沙河;湖西主要有:粱济运河、洙水河、洙赵新河、新万福河、老万福河、东鱼河、
1 Basin Profile The Nansi Lake Basin consists of 32 counties (cities and districts) of the four provinces of Shandong, Jiangsu, Henan and Anhui. It is the largest freshwater lake in the north of China. It has the functions of storage, detention, diversion, irrigation, navigation and breeding Kind of function Hanzhuang Festival gate above the basin area 31422km ~ 2. River basin exports Weishan County, Shandong Province, Hanzhuang gate, the Iraqi River Gate, the old canal gate and the territory of Jiangsu Province Linjiaba gate. There are 53 main lake infrastructures in Nansi Lake. The main areas in Hudong are: Si River, Baima River, Guangfu River, Chenguo River, Cross River and Beisha River; the main areas in Huxi are: Liangji Canal, So River and Soo Zhao Xinhe , The new Wan Fu River, the old Wan Fu River, East Fish River,