The Critical Function of Korean Social Films of Society in the 21st Century

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  【Abstract】 In the late 1990s and the 21st century, Korean films have made significant progress, which not only occupy the unshakable dominant position in its mainland,but also occupy a place in the world’s film industry with its unique style. It has become a miracle in Asian movies in terms of its unique aesthetic style. The goal of this paper is just to let Chinese films learn more from Korean films and give some advice to Chinese film industry that can make more better movies which are suitable to actual circumstances and beneficial to people’s life.
  【Key words】Korean social films; critical function; real concern; social reform
  Silence is honored as “a movie changes a country”, it was directed by a real event which happened in Gwangju from 2000 to 2004. Until Silence showed on the screen, under the pressure of the public, the Korean government survey the case again. Fortunately, in 2011, the inspection bureau has formally arrested the parties involved. At the same time, the 37th day after the movie was released, Korean parliament has passed sexual assault amendment and the law Sexual Violence Crime Punishment Special Part Revision Session has passed by the government, it’s also called “melting pot method”,the aim is to ensure the safety of minors. As the last line in the movie: “We fight all the time not to change the world, but to keep the world from changing us.”
  Although huge darkness wants to hide the truth, the struggled people want to fight against it. Actually, public is the public, compared with those people who are powerful, we are so small and vulnerable. But in this unfair war, they don’t forget the responsibility, justice and conscience, they never give up searching for the truth, searching for human rights and dignity which belong to children. Even the name of the film is Silence, we are more willing to compare the present state system, social concept, legal consciousness, human rights awakening in South Korea to a larger melting pot. The movie is just like a mirror to the reality. Children are angels who fall into the human, but those children in the movie are suffering the torture just like in the hell again and again. Deaf and minors are the protected objects in society, but they are the biggest victims and also they are the main force against evil. There has never been a movie that changed the law of a country. However, Silence is truly change the attitude of the country to the people. Behind this film, we can see the development of Korean film industry, the reflection of the country and respect for civil rights. George Simmel said in Modern People and Religion:“Only lives can understand lives.”Every life should be respected. We always use material to measure the progress of the society, but maybe the essence is whether the masses to live with dignity, the people who really need to be protected is to get the corresponding care, and this kind of investment in human feelings is a love of people, an affirmation of the person’s value.   Train to Busan’s exploration of human nature is more profound, and the core of the film continues the torture of the system and humanity, and the emotion is strong. In Train to Busan, the scene of bloody eating is actually terrified all of people, but the most frightened and shuddered are those people who have shapes of people but with no humanity. Humans’ selfishness and dirt are exposed to the extreme when they face the disaster. Gustav e Le Bon said that when people gathered to be a group, the poverty and shabbiness of group spirits just appear. The lower moral standards won the individual, the conscious personality is gone. Silence is horrible, especially those good people’s silence. Those people refused to let some main characters who saved them get into the carriage. The selfishness and barbarity of the depths of humanity are exposed in the group. The most ironical thing is that they can struggle and rush to four carriages which are filled with zombies, however, they are stopped by the knot which is tied by civilized men. Tortures to the institution and human nature are obvious and strong. It makes us rethink what a real person is, what kinds of characteristics and human natures we should own, what the ugliness and beauty of humanity are. Maybe the answer is not constant, but it can provoke our deeper thoughts of these, which will be good for our society. The reality is dark, but there are still so many people who want to change the darkness of the world. They are still fighting, even though the world is filled with black mist, there is always hope in the depths of despair.
  From the analysis in this paper, it is obvious that critical functions of Korean Social films on society are really powerful. By lighting set up a bridge between fact and fiction makes the filmmaker and the audience together through in reality and fantasy, makes social problem consciousness type superimposed on the space narrative presents the composition, construction and story in the design of characters, look backward past history and feel empathy or compassion or outraged, feel the reality deeper strongly and the life is not easy and be full of hope. Even if it’s just a movie, it can just change the law and political system of a country. At the same time, it shows the individual value and respect of each life. It just focus on three aspects: beyond the national trauma of ideology; show the misery and misfortune of the bottom; to expose the morbid reality and exploit the rich human nature.
  The most important is that for Chinese directors how to embrace the era more closely, how to get rid of superficial phenomena, get out of the aesthetic pattern of Hollywood and combine the local characteristics of China, make a really good Chinese movie. That’s the biggest benefit we learn from critical functions of Korean social films on society.
【摘要】人工智能作为科学技术的一次飞跃性发展,将人工智能运用到英语教学中能够推动教学的进步与发展。当前,人工智能已经逐渐被运用到教学领域,特别是在高校英语教学中,通过人工智能技术下的各种教学模式的运用能够为高校英语混合式教学发展提供强大的技术支持。基于此,本文就人工智能技术下高校混合式教学的应用,提出自己的思考与见解。  【关键词】人工智能;高校英语;混合式教学;构建策略  由高校英语混合式教学模
【Abstract】Writing is an important part in learning English. In almost all china’s schools, the teaching aims about English learning contain like this: the school students must have certain skills abou
【摘要】互联网时代背景下,教育高质量融入网络必然引发人才培养模式的革命。当前,中高职公共英语教学的衔接是培养高素质新型应用型人才的重要途径。面临中高职教学“各自为政”的窘境,如何发挥网络主阵营作用,实现中高职教学融会贯通、衔接自然,成为当下亟须解决的难题。本文以中高职公共英语教学为例,探索了在“互联网 教育”的背景下,如何从学院 课程层面促进五年一贯制公共英语学分银行的建立。  【关键词】五年一贯
【摘要】本文以一堂高中英语写作课为例,探讨了教师在写作教学中对于内容、结构以及语言上的介入手段,有效提升了写作教学的有效性。  【關键词】高中英语;写作教学;教师介入  【作者简介】姚治旻,上海市复旦中学。  一、问题的提出  写作是高中阶段英语学科需要教学的重要语言技能之一。教育部制订的《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》(2003)也对高中阶段的英语写作教学提出了具体的目标要求和教学指引,但在实际
【摘要】作为我国新课程改革与新教学推进的现实需要,研究学生的学习投入已经成为课堂教学研究中的一个热点问题。本文从“以学生为中心”的教育思想出发,介绍了学生学习性投入体系,阐述了学生学习性投入调查的理论基础和实践成果,阐明学生学习性投入调查的实践意义和引进我国本科教育质量评价的可行性和必要性。  【关键词】大学英语教学;英语学习投入  一、研究背景  所谓学习投入是指个体学习时具有充沛的精力和良好的
【摘要】按照新课程的要求,英语教师的教学应该从中学生的特点出发,对课堂的每一个环节都要精心设计,这样才能让各个层次的学生都能在有限的时间内去学习知识。“任务型”教学法最突出的问题就是如何激发学生的学习兴趣和自主学习的能力。  【关键词】任务型教学;学习兴趣  【作者简介】谢珊珊(1987.10-),女,福建省福州市第十中学,二级教师,学士,研究方向:中学英语教学。  2001年,教育部出台了《新课
Having long been buried up to my neck in my repressive study, I came forth finally for a view of the soft autumn afternoon in the gaiety sunlight of an lazy Saturday when women pushed out their babies
【摘要】高中英语教师应该按照新课改的要求,创新方法培养学生的主观能动性,重视学生思维能力的培养。目前,大部分高中英语教师仍然沿用传统教育模式开展英语教学工作,这样无疑会影响学生的英语学习效果。教师应该改变教学方法,让学生居于课堂主体地位,还应该合理地设置教学流程,加强师生互动,这样才能通过课上教学来锻炼学生的语言能力。  【关键词】高中英语;互动教学模式;应用;研究  【作者简介】王霞,河北省石家
【摘要】英语新课程标准中指出英语课程要面向全体学生,特别强调要关注每个学生的情感,激发他们学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们建立学习的成就感和自信心。因此作为一名小学英语教师,必须关注英语后进生的学习,用爱心、诚心、童心和慧心来转化英语后进生,重新点燃他们的希望,提高他们的英语成绩。  【关键词】英语后进生;转化;爱心;成长  【作者简介】张雯婷,江苏省新苏师范学校附属小学。  所谓英语后进生,我认为就是指