台拟定开放两岸 直航专用港方案 台湾”交通部”近日拟定两岸海运通航的具体方案,即开放高雄、基隆、台中和花莲四座国际商港,作为未来两岸直航的专用港。 台湾岛内航商们最理想的大陆通达港是:以台商聚集地为主的厦门、广州;以长江流域一带货源为主的上海;以山东地区为主的青岛;以华北为腹地的天津;以东北三省货源为主的大连等港口。但考虑到安全与管理等因素,台方初期可能仅先选择1~2个港口作为直航对应港口。
Taiwan plans to open a special port plan for direct cross-Strait direct transportation Taiwan’s “Ministry of Communications” recently formulated a specific plan for cross-Strait maritime shipping, opening up four international ports of commerce, namely Kaohsiung, Keelung, Taichung and Hualien, as special ports for direct cross-Strait direct flights. The most ideal mainland access port operators in Taiwan are Hong Kong: Xiamen, Guangzhou, which are dominated by Taiwanese businessmen; Shanghai, the main source of goods in the Yangtze River valley; Qingdao, which is mainly based in Shandong Province; Tianjin, the hinterland of North China ; Dalian and other ports dominated by the three northeastern provinces. However, taking into account factors such as safety and management, the initial stage of Taichung may first select only one or two ports as direct counterpart ports.