二次曲线是高中数学的重点内容之一 ,二次曲线问题往往入手容易 ,但要善始善终 ,获得正确完美的解答却不容易 .笔者根据自己的教学实践 ,结合解析几何中常见题型及其解法技巧 ,对一些典型错误分类剖析 ,旨在多角度发展思维能力 ,全方位提高解题质量 .1 生搬硬套 ,引起误解( 1
The quadratic curve is one of the key contents of high school mathematics. The quadratic curve problem tends to be easy to start, but it is not easy to get the right and the end. It is not easy to obtain the correct and perfect answer. The author combines his common question types and solutions in analytical geometry according to his own teaching practice. Skills, analysis of some typical misclassifications, aiming at multi-angle development of thinking skills, improving the quality of problem solving in all directions. 1 Mismatching students, causing misunderstandings (1