“龙白十一号”大白菜系由早熟母本G52B和高抗病毒病父本02-75-2两个自交不亲和系配置而成的大白菜一代杂种,该杂种卵圆合抱,极早熟,全生育期55 d,高抗病毒病,品质优良,适合黑龙江、内蒙等地区复种栽培,667 m2产量12 000 kg以上。
Chinese cabbage is a Chinese cabbage F1 generation hybrid with two selfing incompatible lines consisting of a precocious female parent G52B and a high resistant virulence male parent 02-75-2. It is suitable for cultivation in Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia and other regions. The output of 667 m2 is above 12 000 kg.