因住宅阳台玻璃存在质量问题,业主向物业公司反映,由物业公司通知房地产公司,再由房地产公司通知门窗施工单位前来更换阳台玻璃。不幸的是,在更换过程中,业主不满3岁的幼女从卸下阳台的玻璃缺口处掉落到地面身亡。谁该对幼儿之死负责?业主把门窗施工单位、房地产公司和物业公司统统告上了法庭。2008年3月18日,江苏省苏州市中级法院作出终审判决:业主疏于监管负次要责任,自行承担赔偿费用的30%为89 162.94元;门窗施工单位防范措施不到位负主要责任,承担赔偿费用的70%为208 046.87元和精神损失费35 000元;房地产公司和物业公司不存在过错,不承担连带责任。
Due to the existence of residential balcony glass quality problems, the owners reflect to the property company, the real estate company informed the real estate company, and then by the real estate company to inform the door and window construction unit to replace the balcony glass. Unfortunately, during the replacement process, the young girl under 3 years of age fell to the ground from the glass gap that unloaded the balcony. Who should be responsible for the death of young children? The owners of all the windows and doors construction companies, real estate companies and property companies all sued in court. On March 18, 2008, Suzhou Intermediate People’s Court of Jiangsu Province made a final judgment: the employer neglected to supervise the secondary responsibility for a cost of 89,162.94 yuan, of which 30% of the compensation fee should be borne by the owner; the main responsibilities and commitments 70% of the compensation fee is 208 046.87 yuan and spirit loss fee of 35 000 yuan; real estate companies and property companies without fault, not jointly and severally liable.