【摘 要】
Microsoft company founder Bill Gates set off a revolution in global health. In the long run, he hopes to break the disease by eliminating diseases, finding new vaccines for some of the long-running plagues, helping the government to improve basic services such as clean water supply, and providing financial incentives to developing countries to improve people’s health. The vicious cycle between poverty and poverty. Bill Gates said he intends to use his huge property in his lifetime
Dear Friends,Many of you have written to me about theregret you feel because you have not had an op-portunity to travel to far distant lands.This is anatural d
Here are some answers for the little tiddles all round us. Why do earthworms crawl on the sidewalk after it rains? Earthwormsbreathe air, and when it rains, th
大家好,我是欧洲网印联合会会长安德斯·尼尔森(Anders Nilsson),很荣幸能够出席这次峰会。感谢裴女士为我提供了这样的机会,并希望通过与诸位在峰会期间的交流,了解行业的发
Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), unmanned subs with their own navigation systems and an array of interchangeable sensors, are becoming an important tool
Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension 21. D 22. B 23. D 24. B 25. A 26.B 27. D 28. C 29. D 30. A 31. B 32. B 33. C 34. A 35. C 36. D 37. A 38. B 39. C 40. D
Part II R
上一期我们就 PETS 考试的听、读方面提了一些总的看法,本期我们接着就 PETS 的写、说方面提一些建议,希望对PETS 考生有一定的帮助。关于写作许多英语学习者都惧怕英文写作