下颌支矢状骨劈开术(sagittal split ramusosteotomy,SSRO)自1957年被Obwegeser首次报道以来,已成为矫治下颌骨畸形最为常用的一种术式[1-2]。研究表明[3-4],双侧SSRO后退下颌后近心骨段的位置会有明显变化,下颌角间宽度(双侧下颌角间的距离)会有所增加。而近心段的位
Since the first report by Obwegeser in 1957, sagittal split ramusosteotomy (SSRO) has become the most commonly used method for the treatment of mandibular deformities [1-2]. Studies have shown that [3-4], bilateral SSRO reverse mandibular position of the proximal bone segment will have a significant change in mandibular angle width (bilateral mandibular angle between the distance) will increase. And near the heart of the bit