乳房囊肿在临床上主要表现为乳房内肿块 ,触诊时易诊为“乳房纤维瘤”、“乳癌”而行手术治疗。笔者统计了1994年12月~1998年12月经B超诊断为乳房囊肿的91例患者 ,行乳房囊肿穿刺术 ,结果穿刺成功者为87例。现报道如下。资料与方法一、一般资料91例患者中
The clinical manifestations of breast cysts are intramammary masses, which are easily diagnosed as “breast fibroids” and “breast cancer” at the time of palpation. The authors counted 91 cases of breast cyst diagnosed by B-mode ultrasound from December 1994 to December 1998, and performed a breast cyst puncture. The results of successful puncture were 87 cases. The report is as follows. Materials and Methods 1. General Information 91 patients